Saturday, 1 August 2009

मज सिंसरे

Magic album from one of the finest producers on these North Atlantic shores.Includes some damn fine Mixes from Recloose,Jazzanova,NuYorcan Soul,MPC.I love this soulfull shuffly 2 step groovieness,cos it fills a dancefloor in seconds.I remember playin to a crowd of Afro Hip Hoppers out in Spain once,an i dropped Sincere for a laugh,the place went Bazooka mento.I ended up playing Old School UK Garage and 2 step all nite on vociferous demand of the patrons for the rest of the nite.....

Love an open minded crowd me.(especially as i used to be a music bigot myself :O ah well ye have to start somewhere.....

praise the lord

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